I sure it’s something that will be resolved but I think it will take some to to make this all work smoothly.
It's a problem deciding how hard to run the generators to keep the grid voltage up as the load varies. They are used to a fairly fixed daily curve of the load and it doesn't work well when 1/2 the generating capacity is not under their control. Instead of switching between 90% generation and 80%, they now have to switch between 90% and 50% if a big cloud comes over.

But it is actually pretty easy to fix: They just need to require home solar systems to add an internet-controlled switch so they can connect or disconnect them from the grid under computer control. Those devices could respond to broadcast commands in blocks of whatever size the power company wants to deal with, so it could switch on and off solar generation in milliseconds. (It doesn't hurt solar cells if you suddenly stop drawing power from them.)