Originally Posted by Greger
There are enough sensible Republicans who would sooner vote for a Democrat or just stay home, than vote for Trump.

Really? You actually believe this? Have you forgotten how much they hate Hillary Clinton? Republicans don't vote FOR anything. They vote against everything.

Sensible Republicans.....uh huh....no oxymoron there. Have you forgotten just how much they hate you and me and everything we stand for? And we're old white guys just like them. The hate Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims even more, and their hatred doesn't stop there. Their hatred knows no bounds anymore. Donald Trump has set them free.
I don't think he will win in the general election either. But it's not because I think Republicans won't vote for him. They will vote for anyone with a R beside their name no matter how despicable, no matter how racist, no matter how unqualified. Republican voters are better educated, wealthier, and much whiter than their Democratic counterparts. Trump will lose because poorer, less educated, and less white people outnumber them. And the less affluent voters have a bigger stake in this election than just the hatred that motivates the right.

I think he has a better than even chance at winning in Nov. His constituency is pretty broad, and pretty deep. If he can keep himself from stepping on his dick, he will be the Republican nominee and a Trump/Clinton election would be a "Who do you like least" election.

I was shocked at how much my friends actually liked his campaign, although they were outraged at his lack of restraint. What they most appreciated was the fact that he had no filter. One Dem told me how refreshing it would be if he were a Dem. Almost to a person they did not trust Hillary.

It is going to be fun. Just imagine what Trump will say about Bill and Hillary in the general election. Just wait what Hillary will say about Trump in the general election. It will be the wild wild west of elections. The debates will be must watch TV. Who says politics is boring?


A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson