Our elections are being driven by Christian doctrines, not by moral values. At this point in time, pressure from our government states that if an American smokes, that American is evil. If an American is gay, that American in unequal in all respects.
The last election essentially demonstrated that the RR was either unable or unwilling to assert itself. In fact, I believe you have commented that they have lost influence.
While there is a general stigmatisization of smokers, I think to say that they are being officially labeled as evil is an absurdity. Our government continues to collect hefty tobacco taxes while discouraging tobacco use.
I realize that the Senator has given up his Christian membership in any church but may denounce any effort to remove social legislation from the Congressional bills...
Just as poster Philadelphi Steve is in no position to say that he knows exactly how/why a conservative will react in a certain way, I do not think you are in any way capable of deciding what Senator Hatrack has or has not given up on in terms of political/religious philosophy.
I think I became offended by the GOP when I saw many of the debates when not a single candidate stood up for individual freedoms. Not one!!
To remind us of what the late George Wallace said, there ain't a dime's worth of difference. It's like two street gangs arguing about how to best rape and sodomize the cornered victim.
Ron Paul wants to give the prohibitions to the states to legislate and that is not good enough for those of us who feel that no one should stop the perverions and bad habits of Americans...
I believe that Dr. Paul has consistently argued that the federal government has for too long and too far inserted itself into matters traditionally left to the states;
e. g., while he is pro-life, I believe he has said that abortion is a matter for the states, not the feds.
...But I was shocked to learn that Conservatives want this code set in cement as there is no other way to control Americans...
Genuine conservatives - paleos, traditional, old-style - such as I am want nothing to do with this neo-con/religious right attempt to nanny us.
It is always difficult for me to ascertain excactly where Ron G stands on issues because in the last 8 or 9 years, he has fought my opinions on several other forums.
The actual record is that you and I have exchanged broadsides for at most six years and in essence on only one other forum than this one. and on that forum, you are the only person who has had any difficulty at all understanding my core philosophy.
I was amazed at his stand on keeping the government out of our tobacco use.
My position may have been novel to the posters here at RR; however, you should have been aware of it from my clear and uneqivocal positions stated on Patriots Forum/Faded Glory...the only place other than CHB/RR where we have squared off on various issues.
But then I realize he seldom discusses subjects and always discusses the writer of the subjects...
Our original exchanges arose over matters of fact - claims you made as to things I had said WRT the administration, but which were never able to document. The only thing I have called you on in this thread or the "Smoking Rights" thread is also matters of fact -
i. e., your misunderstanding and/or misrepresentation of the chronological relationship of the Renaissance and the Reformation, and your statements as to the ability of the unborn to inherit and to what a
testator does.
Your atheism and your gender have never been the subject of anything I have said; in all cases, I believe that the record shows you to have been the person who had first played those cards.
Nor have I ever suggested that persons of any religious confession should be barred from civic participation, that they should be confined to their churches and watched over.
Nor have I suggested the existence of a genetic component peculiar to the religious that causes brain damage.
I also realize how few here at Reader Rant want a separation from the federal government...
RR contains considerably more liberal/lefy-leaners than does our common forum; however, you say the same thing of it despite the fact that the supermajority of those there are conservative/right-leaners.
...He made me aware that America is getting worse in their desire for a Big Daddy. He pointed me in a new direction that will jump over the silly notions of the voters and go for the meat of the problem.
While the positions of voters is often silly, the brutal fact remains that the voters are in charge.
Our political discussions are a reflection of our inner desires to be told what to do. Our candidates have lined up to fill that need. Every one of them (inluding Fred Thompson) has a desire to lead us into a total control from the White House.
While I'm sure there are some who no doubt believe that, I see here and elsewhere that there are people who adamantly resist such notions.
We aren't ready to handle the freedoms that this nation was built on. We have been whipped into submission by heaven and the fear of hell. Only the government can save us.
Speak for yourself only, please!