"Winning", in Conservative parlance, is only a function of getting more money. My test of judging another's success is if I would like to trade places with them. Trump? No firkin' way... I consider him to be a loser in the game of life.
BTW, Trump's "uncommon success" at getting more money has been shown to be less than the "success" he would have had by putting all of Daddy's dough into an index fund.
Actually, his life looks pretty good. He was happy, rich, married well and had a very good reputation in business. The fact that he could have made more an index fund may be true, but think about all of the people who worked on his dime over the years. I understand that lying on ones resume and taking a job away from somebody who didn't lie on their resume qualifies you for the Senate on the Dem side, with the only higher calling being welfare fraud, but couldn't you have found a smarter lay about than Liz? Let's be honest, have you ever seen her talk about anything of substance and make sense? Blah, blah, blah, college tuition, blah, blah, redistribution of wealth, blah blah. I could agree with her on the Donald, except she is just so wrong. She had so many other avenues to criticize him, and she chose the incorrect one.
But she is Liz Warren, why would I expect anything else?