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Oh The Irony Of It Department Why are the allegations about Ted Cruz’s affairs causing such a tempest? The answer is simple. Many, if not the majority, of Trump and Cruz supporters consider The National Enquirer as credible news source.
The story wasn’t prominent on the cover, taking only the top quarter, was featured above “Cheating Blake, Nine women he’s hiding from Gwen.” The Cruz headline says “It’s over for pervy Ted. Cruz's 5 secret mistresses. Their shocking claims.”
Hillary’s secret lesbian lifestyle, supposedly revealed in her emails, is also featured in The National Enquirer. They include photos of her with Huma Abenin (deep cover ISIS spy) See photos similar to those published in Politico.
The difference between Ted Cruz and the rest of the examples is that Ted Cruz supposedly lives a holy-than-thou Christian lifestyle as a Seven Mountain Dominionist.
Also too, remember that The National Enquirer was correct about John Edwards and Reille Hunter.
UPDATED DAILY: What do I think about and what I do I think about it?
March 27, 2016
Testicular Ted: I could discern most of the text in photo of The National Enquirer article suggesting he is an adulterer. The Enquirer is not making any specific verifiable allegations that Cruz had an affair. They are reporting, yes, actually reporting, about rumors that he had an affair. They never say they had proof. As often happens in sensational reporting, the words "allegations" and "rumors" are used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. There have been rumors of allegations. That much at least appears to be true. If actual hard-to-dispute evidence is revealed, then add a third score for The Enquirer as a credible outlet for revealing secrets about politician's sex lives.
Believable Bullshit: Here’s a good article, Donald Trump’s Reign of Bullshit, about how he and other how politicians try to bullshit their supporters. Does it work with reasonably intelligent, though lacking the critical think gene, people? Watch Samantha Bee interview a group of college educated Trump supporters.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
Copulating with rodents: Here’s a new expression to add to the political lexicon. Cruz apparently disavowed the allegations in part by saying that Stone (Trump supporter and the only named source in The National Enquirer article about alleged Ted Cruz affairs) is someone who “copulates with rodents,” to which Stone replied that “knowing what a couple of these women looked like, I actually feel he’s the one who’s been copulating with rodents.” From: Salon article.
This, from the Alternet sums up my opinion:
No one wants to think about Ted Cruz having sex. People also do not want to think about Donald Trump’s penis. And yet, both of these visions have been injected into our national psyche. Can a traumatized nation ever recover from these disturbing images? Probably not.
Here’s another kind of obscenity also reported on in the same Alternet article. It seems that Glenn Beck has a direct line to God. He informs us that it is God’s will that Ted Cruz be president. According to Beck, he was raised from birth to save this nation and lead us out of darkness has been anointed by the Lord to lead our country out of darkness.