Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by bigswede
Rory Reid and his Chinese business partners are in no way connected to papa Harry Reid then?
What does that have to do with Bundy not paying his rent or following the terms of the lease agreement for 20 years?
If, there is truth to it, it has bearing on the Bundy claim that Harry Reid has conspired to get Bundy evicted from land.

The treatment of Cliven Bundy by law enforcement, courts and government officials is embarrassing to a nation built on the principle of law. Him refusing to pay what he objects to being unjust in both price and principle, does not warrant the treatment he's getting.

If Klayman is the best lawyer he can get, because all the others are to scared of Big Brother, then it might be true that, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose".

Cowardly men always plot to label Freedom as anarchy!