Originally Posted by bigswede
... the latter want their old rights back.
What "old rights"?

Originally Posted by bigswede
... the restrictions placed on farmers, landowners and the likes the last couple of decades.
This is not about private land or new "restrictions".

Originally Posted by bigswede
Blunt force can not be the only tool in the toolbox.
Paying one's grazing fees would have been Bundy's best tool. Interfering with officials in the course of enforcing the law by blunt force and the brandishing of semi-automatic "earrings" is a tool that comes with warning about a potential prison sentence.

The whole "majority of one" thing is a fun little ideology, but it doesn't overrule the laws of the real majority.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller