Originally Posted by rporter314
are you against preserving the environment????


That was the short answer.
The restrictions I mentioned, inflicting harm to property rights was figuratively speaking with varied expressions to make it more comprehensible. Though at the same time they describe the insidious ways the legal wording come into effect for landowners.
Take good look at every regulation that mentions preservation, land management, biodiversity, water, sustainability and so on, and you will find that it always takes away, replaces the landowners right to decide over his property, and hands that right to government agencies.

For that simple reason I am all against preservation as it is presented in the official propaganda. It takes a misconceived starting point in understanding nature and turns it into a misdirected legislation that enslaves the landowner. Agenda 21 is such document. It is functional socialism for all intents and purposes. All of this government meddling in private property rights does nothing good for the environment. It only destroys society and individual liberty.

Of course laws applies to me as much as the next man. All I'm saying is the laws are wrong!

Cowardly men always plot to label Freedom as anarchy!