I like your approach to the environment .... frak it

Suppose we had a Darwinian approach to the environment. Every land owner could do whatever they wanted to do.

You would be in favor of strip miners denuding mountains and poisoning ground water
You would be in favor of oil companies spilling oil all over creation and poisoning ground water
you would be in favor of refineries polluting the atmosphere
you would be in favor of cutting all the trees down without replacement
you would be in favor of farmers overusing land until it couldn't grow a weed

I believe the federal government is legitimate and has my approval to provide for the general welfare. Whereas you would prefer a wasteland for your window view, I prefer something more. Something which will provide generations of Americans the opportunity for continued use of the land.

Yes I can see that if I was the only person in the world, government had infringed on my land rights, but I am not the only person in the world. There are 8B people who rely on you making responsible decisions not to infringe on their rights.

In your case those 8B people would be disappointed as you would have polluted their land, poisoned their water and in general destroyed the value of their land all so you could benefit above their interest.

Part and parcel being a citizen requires one give up something to bind the contractual agreement between individual and government.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions