Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
The Bundys and their co-conspirators decided that their view of how things should be prevailed over the existing system and the rights of anyone who disagrees. It really boils down to an "entitlement" worldview. They believe they are entitled to deference for their views, even if they are not held by a majority, their neighbors, or are consistent with the law, and even if they are actively in conflict with the interests of those neighbors.
These SovCit idiots were also egged on by W. Cleon Skousen's annotated "pocket Constitution."

Skousen, who once accused President Dwight D. Eisenhower of being a Soviet agent and whom Time magazine once labeled an “exemplar of the right-wing ultras,” pairs the original Constitutional text with quotes from Founding Fathers about the necessity of religion in governance - so you know that right-wing nuttery was at the heart of the occupation as well. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire