R.S. Please tell me what statute Craig violated. The only oath these representatives take is to protect and serve the U.S. Constitution. Not even adultery is against the law. Will this envolvement in a one night stall/stand be considered breaking a federal law? I hope not!
Even at the Republican Conventions there are call girls all over the place and probably call boys too. When these conventions are held in hotels a dozen rooms are reserved for private parties. I would assume it is the same for the Democtatic conventions but I've never been to one.
I attend conventions all the time and always take a single room as I'm there for political reasons and I want no destractions by anyone. At the LP Convention in Tucson in 2004, I had one of the candidates all over me. No thank you sir! At the RLC convention in Atlanta in 2000, I was fortunate to have Lew Rockwell as my dinner partner and he was the most elegant gentleman I ever had the pleasure to meet. Maybe it's just the Republicans who are so lacking in class.
If Craig is guilty of anything it would be the overt hypocrisy of his and other "moral republicans" stance on the gay lifestyle. They can cast as many stones as they like, but when those same stones boomerang into their politically fragile glass houses, then they quickly realize that even their own party is more then willing to eat their own or cast them to the sharks...which ever is more convenient. The "republican moralists" have a very difficult time with the duplicity of their stated positions: on one hand they seem to secretly accept gays among their ranks as long as they remain silent about their sexuality, but when it becomes a public issue they are ready to lift the stake, heap the bundles of "fags" upon it and chain their own to it to let them burn. Living in hypocrisy is an impossible stance both politically or ethically and until the "republican moralists" denounce their "high and holy" positions for rational thought then they will continue to fall prey to the short-coming of their own humanity.
If he is guilty of anything else, I would say that stupidity would sum it up.