Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Originally Posted by Will Write
Republicae-Seditionist wrote:

Viewed in their worst light, the allegations made against Craig hardly seem to rise to the level of criminal conduct.

Solicitation for sex in a public washroom, especially without consummation, appears to be a victimless crime. However, users of the facility should expect to not have unwanted sexual advances made to them in this venue.

Why? why is the expectation of one person sufficient to incur criminal penalties on another? Seems to favor one person's expectations over another's and I don't seem to find that in either the US nor any state constitution.

Again, I see no reason to criminalize solicitation, wanted or unwanted, at least of any adult. I am not a fan of the current predeliction to try to sanitize life for children, but don't want to go off on that tangent so will give you the power to protect children from sexual solicitation.

Actual sexual activity, if in the presence of a person other than a police officer stationed there solely to observe the activity provides a more solid basis for criminal penalties, but just tapping one's feet and motiioning with hands should never be criminal.

I am in total agreement with you Phil!

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."~Patrick Henry