This requires more than just a general rehash about Clinton's political overtures but rather, it asks that you supply something that spotlights her as being against Ali's activism specifically.
Now, if you're focusing exclusively on his early activities with Elijah Muhammed I would be forced to remind you that he soundly rejected NOI shortly after the death of Malcolm X, who died BECAUSE HE rejected NOI as well.
In fact, Ali said that not having reconciled with Malcolm X after his epiphany was one of his greatest regrets.
Ali and X had very complicated political evolutions which defy the broad brush.
I am forced to assume you are referencing The New Black Panther Party. If not, and you are instead referencing the original group, then it means you don't know a lot about the original Black Panthers or their activism, none of which would be considered corporate at all. Nor would appropriating their symbolism be considered corporate.
Did you actually read the post?
1) I was referring to BILL CLINTON (you know the guy who read the eulogy)

Nothing to do with NOI - ALI'S CIVIL RIGHTS AND ECONOMIC JUSTICE ADVOCACY that does not jive with Bill Clinton's Neo liberal policy. Missed my point entirely.
2) Again - my point was BEYONCE's co-opting of the ORIGINAL Panthers at the super-bowl was corporate, not the Panthers themselves, of which I was a member!

Yes, appropriating the symbols of the movement without understanding it smacks of corporatism.
Please read with care.
So, why a failed liberal? Don't get it.
I read it carefully, and if you read Baraka's screeds, then you know that he has turned it into a help wanted poster for his ridiculous campaign, so I sneer at his attempt to turn Bubba into an imperialist enemy of blackdom just because he doesn't jive with Far Left tropes.
I know you love Jill Stein and I know you're considerably farther left than I am but please consider that Stein is already pretty far left as it is and instead of choosing a moderating influence, she went farther out on the fringe.
If he doesn't seem fringe to you, then I guess we have to agree to disagree on that one.
As for Beyonce, you can call it corporate appropriation of Panther symbols if you want or you can call it Beyonce paying homage, whatever suits your fancy or your agenda.
I wager most people, most who weren't far right anyway, took it as net positive. Leave it to you to turn it into a negative.
Some people are offended BY ABSOLUTELY EVERY. THING.