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A while ago I posted something about the problem of dealing with folks who became a permanent underclass due to any number of things. I think we are either there now, or very soon. We need a bit more than just money or some kind of job. We need to give these people some kind of system that will care, train, educate and help these people find a life. A job would be nice. Plain money, however, is certainly not the answer. I remember the old debates about welfare and how to do it.
My own thought, at the time, was to build them housing facilities which also had communal kitchens. Food stamps would only apply to basic food stuffs and they could then cook their own. If they couldn't cook then they would be given training as to how to cook. Same with clothes. If they needed cloths they would be supplied with the cloth, a sewing room and, if they didn't know how to sew they would be taught. I am basing this on my own belief that people need to do for themselves, whenever possible, which, I believe, would also give them a feeling of some kind of success and pride.
There is a simple fact which drives this. There WILL be a permanent underclass due to the lack of jobs for those not well educated or lack of training to do those jobs which are available. The simple fact is that many choose not to get training and feel that they are somehow entitled. There is nothing anybody is likely to do to change that. We have folks, right now, in that condition but, give it about 10 years and there are going to be a lot more folks out of a job due to automation. Its coming and nobody is going to be able to stop it so we had best start thinking about how we can deal with it.
Hopefully, folks are going to start thinking on these problems and find solutions which is, incidentally, somewhat of a pipe dream.
I also thought that gov would start dealing with climate change, years ago. Nope, didn't happen. Louisiana, right now, is underwater and that's just the beginning of what we will see in coming years as we are, obviously, woefully lacking in any kind of preparation as the seas continue to rise. An example might be Bangladesh where there have been 1,000,000 already displaced already. As that million moves away from the sea it puts pressure on others to move up to Burma which is trying to stop the Bangladeshi influx due to pressure from them that already lost their land to the sea. In situations like this war is almost a given. Just remember, this is just one part of the world in trouble but there are lots of others. In the pacific, for instance, its generally believed that entire island nations are going under the sea right now.
Its unfortunate but, as far as I can tell, the United States, AND the rest of the world, simply cannot bring themselves to consider what's coming. Hell, we can't even fight the Zika virus thing! (and we know what that is going to cause) The only good thing about all of this is that I will be dead before it really gets bad but bad it's going to be!