Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Interesting how we have devolved to what is the least a person can subsist on. There are huge amounts of wealth in this country and the world.

We do not have to put up with the least. All of us deserve a decent living level.
I have another example of how some might find and develop a great deal of opportunity from the secure base of a UBI. I would have, and would continue to find it very helpful in pursuing small business ideas. One of the killers of small business is that you generally have to go all in - risk everything you have - on the bet of making a go of it. But a YOOGE amount of small businesses are best evolved from a part time basis. That is extremely difficult to do when you also have to work other jobs to make ends meet.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller