We do not have to put up with the least. All of us deserve a decent living level.

I'm not suggesting anybody live on the least possible. I'm just pointing out that we have a whole almost invisible underclass of people who live on much less. Any UBI or "minimums" program has to reach all of them as well as the better off. But we don't have to give people living on four times the poverty level a subsidy. (The upper limit on tax credits for Obamacare.) We need a program that starts with the poorest of the poor and phases out as your income reaches some point. That point is certainly open to discussion.

Should we give every surplus non-worker a house and a car, insurance and gas money, an entertainment budget, a cell phone? Probably not. Should we give them a bed, all the rice and beans they can eat, free second-hand clothing, and medical care? Yes. Somewhat more? Maybe.