Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
At the extremes, it IS possible to live on Social Security alone. I've worked for decades as a software engineer so my Social Security report says at age 70 I would collect $3428 per month. Could I live on $41K per year? Sure if I downsized, moved to a cheaper part of the country, and lived a somewhat frugal lifestyle.

In fact I have a wife, so we can actually collect 50% more. We will get $61,704 per year. Well above the poverty line for a couple.

People very consistently underestimate what Social Security is worth. I would need over $1.2 million dollars invested at 5% to make that much money every month. Social Security is the most conservative part of my portfolio.

You're talking max, not what most people get. You had to have had a much higher than average income to get that much from SS- probably near the top 5 or 10%.
And your SS calc we already discussed in a previous thread. Doesn't really work that way. It is an aggregate actuarial calc. It accumulates over time.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."