Again I say, good posts all. Except, I'm really confused by your posts, Fermi. I thought you were just being cute with the first one, but now I'm wondering, are you serious?
Phil, an interesting irony here.
Almost never is it based upon a complaint of a citizen offended by what is going on.
According to the police reports, in this case it
was based on citizen complaints.
I agree with you and Will that the punishment was completely unfitting to the crime, and that in fact no "crime" had been committed. What is that wonderful term that a knight invented? Oh yes, the vicissitudes of specificity.
Quoting him:A corollary of bedrock Conservative Theory is that the concepts of right and wrong are invariable constants, which do not change with the vicissitudes of specificity.
That is why the reaction to Craig's circumstances seems so topsy turvy, with his fellow Republicans falling over each other in their efforts to expel him, and Libruls like us proclaiming his "innocence".
Ardy you cannot be that naieve -- had Barney Frank been arrested in this situation there would be no end to the public reaction and press, most of it of the "see, they are all dirty pervs" variety.
I'll drink to that.