Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
99% chance the casual traveller would have no idea anything was going on. Almost never is it based upon a complaint of a citizen offended by what is going on.
I am not sure why police would bother to spend their time doing this sort of thing... or for that matter even know where to do it ... if there were not complaints.

Surely there are an abundance of options that do not involve having sex in a public bathroom?
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Tapping one's foot leads to all this.
Just not right.
Aren't women are prosecuted for solicitation on similarly innocuous behaviors
Originally Posted by Phil Hoskins
Ardy you cannot be that naive -- had Barney Frank been arrested in this situation there would be no end to the public reaction and press, most of it of the "see, they are all dirty pervs" variety.

Probably so, although I think Barney would still have his job. And also, Barney would probably find less public way to meet his needs... and so less likely to encounter the situation to begin with.

"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel