I just got back from a long driving trip, so got to listen to lots of radio stations. Funny thing that, in the desire to not retrace the central valley I5 corridor that I took going up, I crossed over the Sierras on Sonora Pass (beautiful!), and on the east side of the mountains I was unable to find a single NPR station for more than a whole day of driving.

But I did get all the Christian radio my little heart desired. One program was the Wall Builders - I don't know that they took the name from il Douche de L'Orange, but I'd say they are in his camp - and they were talking about socialism and capitalism. One of their premier intellectuals has studied history more thoroughly than the usual group of self deluded mainstream historians and has discovered the truth of things. One major truth is that the Pilgrims fled Europe to escape the oppression of socialism. Yet when they arrived in the New World, they went ahead and kept with the "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" creed. After a significant number of them died from starvation they switched to a private property and free markets thing and everything was good after that... fat and happy.

Proof positive that greed is a better motivator than starvation for getting people off their lazy arses and succeeding like Trump!

All that history got me to thinking - the core concern about socialism is that lazy people will take advantage of industrious people, and that just ain't right. In the extreme, under socialism nobody will do anything, because it isn't fair, even to the point of dying.

Which brings forth the question... are humans all too stupid and lazy to be trusted with a socialist system?

Would a universal basic income really feed an instinct to laziness?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller