Originally Posted by Ken Condon
Caveat regarding Japan. They are an enclosed monoculture, with outsiders viewed-- at best-- as less than acceptable. They abhor immigrants and go out of their way to disallow them as citizens.

Okinawan’s are viewed by mainland Japanese as “southern scum”. And not quite regarded as real “Japanese”. If anyone disagrees with my assessnment I am all eyes. And ears.
I caveat your caveat and raise you:
The insular character of Japanese society began to change (and open) in the late 19th century (the Meiji period). After WWII that accelerated. In the early 2000s I was in Nagoya, Tokyo and Kyoto for close to a year. They are enamored with Western "culture", to their detriment in my opinion.
Nonetheless, that is not germane to the comments on the economic framework in post WWII Japan. Although I will say, again to their detriment, even that framework has been changing lately, for the worse.

Last edited by Ezekiel; 08/28/16 02:16 AM.

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."