Originally Posted by Ezekiel
They are enamored with Western "culture", to their detriment in my opinion.
Nonetheless, that is not germane to the comments on the economic framework in post WWII Japan. Although I will say, again to their detriment, even that framework has been changing lately, for the worse.

They are not enamored with the culture itself. They are enamored with the visible outside trappings of it.
Not the same thing at all.
For a comparison, think about all the happy, talented and successful "Blue Eyed Soul" performers out there...Van Morrison, Stevie Winwood, to just name two.
They don't live like Detroit-based Motown performers of the old days, they don't talk like them and they don't partake of even so much as the same diet or religious leanings.
They just enjoy singing and playing the same kind of music.

I daresay that the Japanese fascination with American culture is nothing more than basic cultural appropriation.
It is not a bad thing at all but I don't expect Japanese Leon Russell fans (there are quite a few!) to feel the same feelings I feel when he plays the "Ballad of Mad Dogs and Englishmen".

But I know they are eager to put "Lady Blue" on when they feel romantic the same way some of us put Barry White on the stereo.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD