The topic of this thread is a UBI
Why does that always bring to mind some sort of plug in cord for some sort of electrical plug in devise? Because it is! Plug and play. Then work. Or not.

I agree with those who would view such a subsidy as exactly that. A device whereby the welfare system as we know it would be eliminated and the lazy could solely exist on it. All the while assuaging the hearts of the bleeding sort. “Hey, they have an income (by doing nothing) so I’m off the hook.” Then again, more motivated ones could use it as a mechanism whereby their basic needs will have been met, and if they chose to work for wages over and above that (or through some sort of personal enterprise) they could actually make a “living”. Perhaps not in NYC (Zeke) but there always is the option of moving elsewhere. As humans have done since their beginnings.

Allz I know now is many Trump supporters are hurting so they latch on- and there is a reason. Just not the ones they believe to be true. And will not be answered by the Trumpster any-who.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.