FREE DOWNLOAD -- Rutger Breger's:

UTOPIA FOR REALISTS -- The Case for a Universal Basic Income, Open Borders, and a 15-Hour Workweek

Table of Contents

1. The Return of Utopia 13
2. A 15-Hour Workweek 33
3. Why We Should Give Free Money to Everyone 55
4. Race Against the Machine 75
5. The End of Poverty 97
6. The Bizarre Tale of President Nixon and
His Basic Income Bill 117
7. Why It Doesn’t Pay to Be a Banker 135
8. New Figures for a New Era 153
9. Beyond the Gates of the Land of Plenty 173
10. How Ideas Change the World 195

There is an interesting 45-minute interview of the author on Canada's CBC radio:

"We can handle the good life, if only we take the time."

Once, weapons were manufactured to fight wars; today, wars are manufactured to sell weapons

It is far easier to deceive folks than to convince them they are deceived