so let me repeat .... no subtext or supratext .... must be literal ... ergo "vice" is read as a single word and his religion would prohibit its use .... i
'll allow the readers to speculate as to what a presidency of religious nuts would mean

perhaps the religious fundamentalists are right and we are in the end of days .... religious wars raging here and overseas ....

as to the Constitution & religion .... please note it only says no test is required .... it does not say there can not be an official religion .... conservatives read it literally (and interpret at their convenience)

the definitive and succinct statement regarding the separation is from Pres Jefferson's famous letter and conservatives only use his words when in their favor. Remember Mass had an official religion long after the Constitution was adopted.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions