1) An economic system which promotes inequality (e.g. concentration of wealth) and as a result extends to the social realm, creating a permanent underclass that has been deprived of education and the possibility of attaining the basic necessities of life. This is agnostic to the political party in power as they both advocate the same economic/social framework.

2) Systemic racism and the continuation of a caste system (based on economic, social and racial divides, vide the religious right) that has never been attacked head on since the inception of the republic. Yes, there have been improvements (hard fought) but, given item (1) these advances have been clawed back. We find ourselves in the position of fighting for the same things (under a different name) that we fought for decades, nay, centuries ago.

And my point in my post above is that this has been going on from the start. From the Founding Fathers, who were the social, financial and political elite of the day, to the wealthy plantation owners of the south and the industrialists of the north prior to the Civil War. To the robber barons of the 1890s, tamped down only for a few years before the economic boom of the 1920s further enriched Americas wealthy families before the Great Depression left most Americans penniless and jobless(and most of the wealth intact). From slavery to child labor to unethical treatment of labor and a racial divide that has never been bridged. The Federal Government has always been in the pockets of the wealthy. Just as State and City governments.
Democracy today is just as ephemeral as it was from the start but probably no more so.
The Aristocracy and the bourgeoisie continue to enslave the proletariat just as they always have and always will.

Which brings me to a point I made elsewhere...
Donald Trump does not represent "change" he IS the status quo.
He is a perfect example of what we have "fought for decades, nay, centuries". He was born to wealth and will die wealthy. His bid for the presidency is nothing more than an endeavor to further enrich himself and those like him. These poor Republican fools who think otherwise will be even poorer and bigger fools should they manage to elect him.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...