Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Rational debate. It used to be possible to talk to a conservative that way. Maybe we can still do that, but we have to get away from name calling and thought shaming...
As Phil pointed out, you can bet on getting a pretty fair discussion here on RR. An oddity of the many blogs where righties tend to post is a format where there are no separate topics - there is just one constant stream of comments (which they like to refer to as 'discussions'). But the closest thing you can have to a discussion is, in river parlance, to "eddy out" with one or two people for a few minutes. Everyone else just keeps drifting downstream because there is no way to find the topic again once you disengage, except to scroll back through everything. If you comment again, the only person that gets notice is the one who was replied to directly. If you try to keep someone engaged, especially to get a meaningful response from them, you get blasted for 'badgering'.

Those blogs are not there for discussions, they are there for paintball wars and for chattering. And the so-called moderators tend to be deplorably biased in their enforcement of the rules. One site even had the regulars ganging up on the more liberal participants with a clear purpose of driving us off - in my case, banning me. Those blogs are echo chambers, where the regulars are not interested in discussing contrary ideas, they just want them to shut up while they bloviate on whatever crap floats through their minds. The most common citations, when they occur, are tweets from unknown wingnuts. The second most common sources are WND, Breitbart, and FOX. CNN is considered to be Socialist.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller