An inquiring mind wants to know... is RR an echo chamber?
I have heard that it was once a conservative site. It is obviously a liberal site now; why is that? It's certainly not from banning opposing voices, as the last person banned was an obnoxious uber-Liberal. The one still shown in the penalty box was an incomprehensibly wacko insult machine - I don't think I ever grokked her political leanings. I don't recall anyone else being silenced in my now eight years here, though most of the conservatives have left.
I have been banned by numerous right-wing blogs (maybe 8?), though never for breaking the rules - they just can't stand being talked back to by anyone with supportable facts. Those are certainly echo chambers.
So I'll rephrase the question: Why is RR dominated by progressives/liberals?
I admit to being the one to suggest to logtroll that RR appears to be a liberal echo chamber. Yes, everyone here is not of the same mind like a hive mind. You do have disagreements of different points along the liberal scale, but it is the same liberal scale.
I see frequent mentions at numerous liberal channels/sites of right wing "echo chambers" as if they are the only ones that have them. Au contraire. I recently got banned at a liberal channel for merely expressing my opinion. I did not break any rules either. They just did not want to hear a different opinion expressed. I see this frequently in the Disqus channel system. There is also a lot of ugliness involved with the send off. This is why I don't usually bother going to those places, because it just is not worth the aggravation. I must have had temporary insanity that day. This not to say the right does not have their echo chambers also and they can get nasty too. I just find it interesting that some feel that the intolerance only happens with the right. Rest assured it does not. I am happy to say I have not experienced that personally here.
I will finish by saying that I have observed that some have difficulty with being in a mixed political crowd without resorting to snark and baiting. This happens equally on both sides.
Oops, I forgot that logtroll felt that I was too shy to introduce the subject and he did it for me. Bless his heart.
He is so sweet. No it is not a matter of shyness, just a matter of getting used to a new system and seeing the lay of the land.