Americaunas aren't very good layers, three eggs a week I think. But the eggs are lovely! Pale green or light blue. And the hens vary in color so if you've a mind to treat them like pets it's possible to name them and tell them apart. The roosters are incredibly beautiful too.
Most dogs can be trained not to mess with the chickens. Baby chicks need to be raised indoors for a while, this is when the training starts. Baby peeps can't regulate their body temp so they need a warm environment and a heat lamp. A big plastic tote with woodchips in the bottom is perfect. It's really no different from introducing a kitten to a dog's household. You protect the kitten and the dog gets used to it being around. Once you move them outdoors they need a small wire enclosure and a shelter to roost and nest in. The dogs get used to seeing them and you smack the dogs if they act aggressively. Some dogs are just natural born killers and if this is the case you just make the chicken pen permanent. For the best eggs in this case you need to be sure the chickens are fed plenty of greens. A few cabbage leaves every day is all they need. Green veggies is what gives them the deeply colored, rich, and flavorful yolks. All my kitchen scraps go to the chickens. The free range birds don't care much for them but the ones in the enclosure devour them greedily.
Predators vs. chickens is an age old problem, but it's not insurmountable. We have a lot of coyotes, bobcats, and various other critters that will kill chickens and I lose a few on occasion but chickens are cheap and it's always fun to raise a new batch.
You have a perfect property for chickens PIA, do your wife a favor and get some!