Originally Posted by logtroll
Perhaps it is related to the "Trump movement"? It could be called 'CSUS Crusaders' (Christian State in the United States)

Here is a post from a right-wing blog called (of all things) 'Conscious Debate':

Deb, i am praying and hoping for a miracle, you would not believe the people who think Trump should be a 'Saint'

I believe Trump was chosen by a higher power because he can fight very dirty, he has had to do it all of his life because of the political and wealthy elite, something snapped him into reality and i think he is doing this for the legacy of his children and grand children.

I am just amazed at the people who keep judging him.

I read a comment he made about May 2016, and he said he never really asks for forgiveness from GOD because once he realizes that he is wrong or has done wrong, he works very hard to correct it.

Trump sees things very differently from me and i am trying to see thru his eyes, i have done things that i have not been proud of just like the majority of the people.

Clinton has a cold vile heart. She could give a damn about the majority of the American people and America.

I think Trump is the complete opposite.

We shall see soon...

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