I don;t want to speculate on some approximate number but there is one item which reappears often i.e. coded words.

If one wants to see supporters with enthusiasm then Mr Trump can make it plain :: not just stopping Muslims from immigrating but deporting those who are here (I can hear the crowd roar) ... he got great responses when he called for jackbooted ICE asking for your papers and deporting ALL illegals .... so I have to wonder if he would get the same responses if he called for all non-whites to be deported .... Rep Steve King would have an orgasm (only whites have contributed to western civilization)

Beck always talks about liberals using coded language (and I am hard put to decipher what he means) it is far easier to see these folks using code. the wall .... well if that is not symbolic, i don;t know what is ... nothing but a thin veil hiding bigotry ...

What amazes me is none of the so-called responsible Republicans in his campaign sees it ... this is one of the problems Republicans have i.e. denial of the obvious

and I think "G" you can fill in more

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions