Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
I think if the Senate goes Democratic the nuclear option is on. The Republican talk about never seating a Clinton nominee on the Supreme Court has to be dealt with, and the way forward is to severely curtail the power of the filibuster. Leaving the Judicial branch broken would be an endless hassle for Clinton's administration. Not just the SC but also there is a huge backlog of federal judge appointments.

Deliberately breaking one main branch of government (Judicial) while deliberately obstructing another (Legislative)?
I see NOTHING to disabuse Republicans of continuing the effort, especially since it is doubtful that Chuck Schumer, the 2016 love child of Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman, will actually make good on the perennial promise to kill the phone in filibuster, secret holds and all the other nonsense being used to great effect.
The Republicans will once again promise to play nice, Chuck will buy it and once again the Republicans will move in for the kill.

Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
With a Liberal Court, we will probably see some decisions to decrease the amount of gerrymandering, but that will take a while. Maybe the House districts will be less Republican-friendly by 2024.

ACA needs some fixes. Private insurers can all decide to abandon a market, so we will need something like Medicare for those folks. There just isn't anyway around it, unless government supplies it. Not necessarily a bad option: These very same private insurance companies already handle all the Medicare claims with 5% overhead instead of the 20% overhead allowed by ACA. It could be 15% cheaper! And these companies all do want the Medicare business and manage to make money on it, so if the want to keep on doing that they would have to also handle the ACA claims.

I see five very wealthy health insurance CEO's standing with their right hands raised in a hearing, demanding a bailout.

Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Immigration needs some fixes. Some people say "They need to follow the procedure and wait their turn." but the special relative program uses up all the "turns" from Mexico every year. So if you have no relatives in the US, you wait forever. That is why people have to sneak in and have an anchor baby: It's the only way to get here.

I see a spate of extrajudicial immigrant and non-immigrant killings in remote areas, carried out by newly emboldened militia.
Doesn't matter what the legal status of these victims are, if they LOOK like they might be immigrants, good enough as far as these "patriots" are concerned. Look for more jury nullification and tampering in these cases. The ammosexual boys will walk free once again.

Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Restoring the fairness doctrine on broadcasts might go a long way toward fixing the right-wing anti-government hysteria. A little truth along with each Fox and Rush program?

Surely you must be joking. Hundreds of millions have been invested in creating a false make believe bubble representing a false reality backed by bought and paid for false rhetoric, and you think the Fairness Doctrine might be restored?

None of the above will happen without a war starting...a civil war.
And the Republicans intend to move to impeach Hillary on January 21, 2017.

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