I'm not convinced the Senate is going to flip. It appears likely but it's not a done deal. What I see for the near future is more of the same obstruction, more investigations and generally more Republican bullsh!t. The race is narrowing as we get down to the wire and even a Clinton victory is not a forgone conclusion. A landslide is totally out of the picture and a mandate is looking pretty unlikely as well.
A significant portion of Republicans are convinced that Hillary Clinton is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. That she has committed treason and should be executed. They have hinted at a violent revolution should Clinton win the election.

All they had on Obama was that he was born outside the US and was a secret Muslim.

Clinton will immediately go for fixes to the ACA. She will be shut down by Republican obstruction. She will attempt to do something about college tuition, and will be shut down by Republican obstruction while dealing with new investigations into the murder of Vince Foster and Benghazi. Impeachment proceedings will begin and will be as common as calls to repeal the ACA.

And we will all get to sit and watch our democracy fixing its problems and proving to the rest of the world that we are indeed exceptional.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...