Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
He got elected as President of the United States, and has said that is all he wants to be. He doesn't want to be the world's protector or the world's policeman. He is exactly what America wanted.
That is an interesting statement to make about a con man who got less that half of the popular vote.

Let me clarify:
- About half of "America" thinks Trump is something that he is not;
- Less than half of "America" voted for him.

I suggest that you could say that Trump got elected through the U.S. electoral process. That is not really related to the idea that "He is exactly what America wanted".

Also, just my opinion - Trump does not want the job of president, he just wanted to 'be' the President.

You own this, Tim... I don't want to hear any excuses or blame on liberals when Trump and us are swirling around the drain.

1) You may be correct, and I may even agree that Trump wanted to be "The President". I am reminded of the movie The Candidate, when Robert Redford asks what now. Now he submits his nominee for SCOTUS. That justifies the election.

2) I have said this many times, I am a political junkie. I treat politics like it is a contact sport. The winner and loser make their own legacy. I won't whine, and I won't point fingers. If Trump can play the game in office as well as he played it during the election, he wil be fine, if not he deserves what he gets.


Last edited by Ma_Republican; 11/09/16 03:34 PM.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson