He doesn't want to be the world's protector or the world's policeman
you began this by saying he would make America a better place to live, now you say America is not a policeman for the world. How does that in any way make America a better place to live. You have left out a lot.

How does that solve immigration, economy, taxes, widening gap between wealthy and poor etc

SC - did it ever cross your mind that if he nominates an ultra extremist right wing activist nut the Dems will filibuster? conservatives do not like moderates and dems to not like extremists

he has surrounded himself with extremists of all types .... from the military nut case Gen Flynn to breitbart bigots and anti-semitics .... how do you foresee any good happening ?????

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions