The ACA is gone, booting millions off insurance. Also, if you have preexisting conditions, you lose your insurance.

Dodd/Frank is gone, taking us back to the system that led to the Great Recession of 2008.

The SCOTUS swings right, with all his new Justices sworn to overthrow Roe V Wade, so a woman's right to control her body will be gone.

He said he would sign a bill that allows discrimination of LGBTQ. Of course, that will go straight to the Supreme Court pledged to overthrow Roe v Wade.

He intendes to gut all regulations.

He will freeze hiring of all government workers in order to drasticly cut their numbers.

His proposed EPA head is a climate change denier that will drill baby drill.

He had said it is morally acceptable to gut social security. The Republican Congress is not against that.

He can do enormous damage over four years.

"You can't demand freedom of speech and then say, but don't say bad things about me. You gotta be a grown-up and take your hits." George Clooney