For all the talk of "building a new party" there is smoke but, here in Murrikuh, very little fire. In fact, said "builders" are notoriously ABSENT when it is time to chop the wood.

Note that all the Jill Stein 2016 avatars are disappearing faster than former Nazis in late 1945. (hat tip to Snarky Politics for that observation)

Note that all the third parties are fast reverting to hibernation mode, with an 800 number and a P.O. Box, for the next 3.5 years.
And true to form, they will reemerge, like the locusts and nattering nabobs of negativity they are, to suck off even more votes in 2020, but once again nary a city, county, state or congressional presence will be there to back them up with actual presence and actual power.

Hence all the nattering.

Building a party, a THIRD party, an actual standup third party with the juice to knock over one or both major parties, is a generational project, one which I doubt I would live long enough to actually see blossom to fruition.

The Greens in the EU and the UK spent the last twenty years doing the hard work and they only JUST RECENTLY were finally acknowledged as a formidable coalition partner in those parliamentary legislatures.

Which brings me to my next point, parliamentary versus BICAMERAL.
Are we truly able to carve deeply enough to alter the structural framework OF our legislature, when we can't even get our wailing and gnashing of teeth recognized as legitimate?

So, stop all this talk of building parties unless we are ready to knuckle down and sacrifice our own lives to this work, satisfied in the knowledge that most likely it will be our children and grandchildren who actually see the rewards of our efforts.
That's JUST HOW BIG that dream really is.
It's as if we are immigrants in our own land right now.
We are the new immigrants, and we're stuck with an absentee landlord who has already surrounded himself with the right wing bubble that he is going to live in for the next four years. The voices he will hear are the ones who carved out our fate at the dawn of the millennium, the ones who were the architects of all the failures, all the wars, all the globalist job sucking ventures, all the outsourcing, all the vindictive reactionary pogroms against the working class.
And they are joined by the theocrats who now intend to govern in earnest.
Embrace the horror and know your captors.
Ain't no party building gonna happen when we're bleeding out.

“All the time you spend tryin to get back what's been took from you there's more goin out the door. After a while you just try and get a tourniquet on it.”

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