some inside the campaign have recounted the same analysis

after the last few days i am going out on what i believe now is a very firm limb. Everything Mr Trump said during the campaign you can throw away i.e. erase the slate, tabula rasa i.e. it would do no good to speculate even to the day of any decision

this guy is so unpredictable, one could say he is like a goose waking up with a fresh view very day.

Conservatives had long accused Pres Obama of creating instability, but in comparison, I believe Mr Trump will bring instability to a new high. I also believe that is a personality defect and so we will never see a stable administration unless his staff actually run the WH.

buckle your seats and place your seat backs and table trays to their upright position ... there will be turbulence ahead

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions