I guess the internment camps were sorta okay, because we need new ones now for the Muzzie terra-ists.
One of our Navy SEALS just said so. Apparently he heads up Great America PAC, which earned him a spot on Fox News:

"I know the ACLU is going to challenge it, but I think it will pass. We've done it with Iran back a while ago. We did it during World War II with Japanese. Call it what you will, maybe wrong."
Carl Higbie - Trump Great America PAC spokesman AND former Navy SEAL.

[Linked Image from pbs.twimg.com]

Say there Carl, your profile picture fascinates me!
Those slitty eyes of yours....you almost look like YOU might have "some Jap" in you.
You SURE you ain't part Jap, BOY???
I think you might BE part Jap...let's ship you off to those camps just in case.

NOTE: The above is SARCASM...

Last edited by Jeffery J. Haas; 11/17/16 09:51 PM.

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