Originally Posted by rporter314
what may be more curious is why do the people who surround him always apologize for what he says and does???

That is simple, ordinary run of the mill garden variety authoritarian bootlicking battered wife syndrome.

156 IQ? Puuuh-leeze.
I'm going to take a run at this and tag him as maybe 120 on his best day ever. And the dementia issue? Nope not yet but let him go a year, or even two, not getting everything he wants, and quitting in a Palin-esque hissy fit, then returning to find his damaged Trump brand irrecoverable at any cost, and you may very well see dementia begin to creep in.

If the dementia doesn't get him at that point, his incredibly large mouth consuming some of Vlad's Special Tea certainly will.

Don't piss Putin off, Mister President-elect. His cloak and dagger minions in the Kremlin will get to you one way or the other.

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