Originally Posted by rporter314
the settlement question dates back to 1922. The LoN decided to allow European Jews the right to establish a sovereign state in the Palestine Mandate and proposed a 2-state solution, so eventually there would be a state created for immigrant Jews and a state for local palestinians.

Fundamental to any effort to achieve the 2-state requires Palestinians actually have some land. Settlements undermine any legitimate effort to succeed.It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that continued settlements is an implicit admission there will never be a 2-state.

The US should sustain any votes which condemn continued settlements in the West Bank.

But playing to a certain demographic has always inhibited that on the part of U.S. politicians. Not that it should be seen as anti-Israel, on the contrary, if there were any real interest in reaching a 2-state solution, those settlements would have been stopped long ago.
It's the wingnuts that gum up the works.

BTW - the wingnuts (in the U.S.) win once more:

[Linked Image from s23.postimg.org]

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."