reality check .... pay attention to the primary campaign .... "Dump Trump" .... why would so many who actually do not like nor support many of his policies end up actually voting for him????? you are assuming the right 37 people will help shoot the party in the foot and chop off a leg because you are indignant over Mr Trump's election? perhaps you believe he has actually committed high crimes and misdemeanors .... so you believe the Republican/conservative party would willingly and publicly expose themselves for what they are? Sen McConnell doesn't even want an investigation into the alleged Russian hacking, so why would he even entertain impeachment proceedings?

They are in a far better position to accomplish their regressive agenda than at any time in the past. We will have a cult of personality like none seen in this country since Pres Washington (he coulda been king). Gov Pence is lucky if he can inspire 20 hard right Christians to believe in his agenda of religious hate much less getting 20k people to shout lock her up. Why would 37 people jeopardize fulfilling that agenda.

Listen to the apologists from even establishment Republicans. Why he is not a politician (somehow that obviated he being a human) .... he is a successful businessman (which translates as the rules do not apply to him) ... etc. They have excuses, not reasons, for everything he does, so why expose themselves to the carade?

There is far more to suggest nothing will come of it even if the economy craters or we go to war with someone else.

The best alternatives are for Congressional Democrats to fight for best compromise available or created and fill the ammo box with the assured regressive policies which will be implemented. Even the ignorant can be influenced in another direction.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions