I do admire your unbridled and enthusiastic optimism but there comes a time when people must hold fast, bare knuckle white, to reality.
For you, the "fact" Mr Trump is an abject deplorable human on too many facets to count, still does not fill the indictment sheet with any credible crime worthy of impeachment.
The Democrats could be "little" and pursue some fishing expedition (if they could even get it to committee) and find out Mr Trump groped someone, or there were some filing errors, or mitigated infractions of law in the foundation, or etc. I would not look favorably on an investigation only to find salacious tidbits of his life (like I am interested).
So let me ask this question, what would it take for you to believe Pres Obama has committed high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of impeachment proceedings? Your answer should be the clue.