Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I...But as John Oliver so pithily pointed out, "there are no f&%#n do-overs."...
That quote was made famous by Steve Schmidt in an interview with Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes.

Originally Posted by Steve Schmidt
You don`t get to go back in time, Anderson, and have do-overs in life.
- 60 Minutes

I have never forgotten that quote. It has stuck with me all of this time.

Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
It goes to show you need to pay attention the first time.
The voters were paying attention - it was the DNC who was not. Had the DNC paid attention, they would have internalized, instead of dismissing, that voters had a very negative perception of Hillary Clinton and didn't 't want her. THAT is where the true issue lies.

Clearly voters, particularly ones in WI, MI, and PN, don't care about 'job experience' as evidenced by them voting for, and thus, electing a community organizer law professor, followed by a narcissistic lying businessman that has filed bankruptcy over four-times stiffing his investors and blue-collar workers who preformed work for him.

The soul-searching that is being done as a result of our loss, and America's loss, needs to be honest about WHY we lost. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire