So- Rick- what are you saying? Are you saying since Friedman is unworthy as a human- through his associations and thoughts- and that he might have mentioned this idea years ago- the idea itself becomes unworthy, worthless, and suspect?

I am quite sure the idea of a UBI was not the brainstorm of a single human. If one looks over the years it is likely a result of A positing to B, then read by C, and subsequently discussed by D (and others) then disseminating down the line, that then the idea somewhat took hold.

Along comes Charles Murray.

Is UBI the answer?


Although with this idea, a possible band aid might be able to be applied to stem the bleeding. And possibly good things could result from it. Any better ideas are welcomed.

By the globe.

Last edited by Ken Condon; 01/11/17 04:01 AM. Reason: articles of elusidation

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.