Wally Hayman
"When the Morlock and the Eloi Become Indistinguishable"
Facebook How many of us really understand the series of errors that drove us all to this fateful point? Certainly not those Rust Belt Trump voters interviewed by the New York Times who remain undisturbed by proof of the steady and bulk diet of misinformation fed to them like pigs at a trough - and by a hostile foreign power, no less. Voters so transfixed by the shiny object that they never noticed the hazardous turn ahead nor experienced that oft-mentioned moment of slow motion a victim perceives in that milisecond when their entire life flashes before them. And certainly not the Hillary-haters on the left whose self-fulfilling prophesy of Democratic doom was born from information likewise pointed at them by the same immense Russian propaganda machine. They still claim to be no more than innocent passengers in a vehicle totally controlled by others. Those who didn't vote believe themselves the most innocent of the lot.