Donald J. Trump: Not my candidate but my president

Doug McIntyre
Los Angeles Daily News
January 14, 2017

This week our country gets a new president, our 45th, Donald J. Trump.

Many people spark to Mr. Trump's blunt "If you hit me I hit back twice as hard" style. They find him refreshing.

I don't find Donald Trump refreshing.

I think he's the most ill-prepared and ill-suited person ever elevated to the office. With that said, I hope he turns out to be as "amazing", "fantastic", "terrific", "awesome", and "really, really, really good" as he claims he will be.

I don't root for presidents to fail.

I didn't root for George W. Bush to fail or Barack Obama. I'm not going to root for Donald J. Trump to fail. If I cut off my nose my glasses fall on the floor. They're no good to me down there. He was not my candidate, but like it or not, he is my president.

And that worries me greatly.