international nuclear conflagration
Not even the greatest person who ever lived, otherwise known as Mr Trump, could change the inertia of global events that fast.

However, he is working in that direction. I am sure PM Netanyahu is encouraging Mr Trump (and all the unpaid allied agents of Israel in Congress) to move the US embassy to Jerusalem in anticipation of the Israeli move to annex the city (facts on the ground). In addition, I am sure PM Netanyahu is calling on Mr trump to allow an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, disregarding JCPOA.

Either or both will ensure the US becomes a pariah in the world, if not ensuring not just rising tensions in the ME but possibly perpetual continuous war.

Of course with his linear one dimensional thinking, if he becomes an ally with Russia, it is implicit we would become allies with Iran and Syria. How complicated would it become? Putin calls one minute and says do not attack Iran, Netanyahu calls the next and says attack Iran, what would Mr Trump do? Call Ivanka for advice?

Your nightmare still has possibilities.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
Save America - Lock Trump Up!!!!