Originally Posted by pdx rick
Originally Posted by Jim D (FreeThinker)
Originally Posted by pdx rick
A blogger on another blog I go to suggested that, perhaps, the GOP is letting President* Trump do all of the awful things and then they impeach him and when Pence becomes Prezzie, all of the sh!tty work has been done for them and they can say: that mean and nasty Donald Trump! Hmm

That is giving to much credit to the repubs, I do not believe that they are clever to hatch such plan.
There are a few clever Republicans to hatch that kind of plan - plus these same Republicans are sociopaths. Hmm

OK, poor choice of words. Maybe I should have used 'smart'. And a lot of them are devious sociopaths.


The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

--Mahatma Gandhi