If I could find a magic way to limit the social, economic, political, cultural and environmental damage ONLY to the FAMILIES of the people who support this [censored], and not to the entire planet and everyone else in it, I swear to you I would endorse every single thing Trump does.
They love him, they love what he and his alt-Right buddies stand for?
Great, I say let them live in the world of their own making, let them give birth to horribly damaged kids who writhe in agony and cannot learn, let them suffer and die and kill each other in their holy wars, let them all be swept into the gaping maw of the Hell that they made, and I'll bring the popcorn and film the fakking spectacle.

The PROBLEM is, I don't know of a way to do that, and these problems appear to be marching straight down every street in America, and down the street of every nation on Earth.
Our enemies are celebrating and dancing in the street because they know that America will soon sink beneath the waves, while our beloved friends are recoiling in horror.

There is nothing one can do to make a true believer see the light.
These fundamentalists are so convinced that they are right that you cannot compromise with them, you cannot reason with them, you cannot even discuss with them. Their only mission is to attack and ultimately KILL anyone and everyone who does not bow down and express loyalty and fealty to the fundamentalist cause without reservation and without hesitation.

Fundamentalists cannot be reasoned with. Their behavior mirrors that of a DRUG ADDICT.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD